Rose Menyon Heflin “Unforgiving”
Originally from rural, southern Kentucky, Rose Menyon Heflin is a writer and artist living in Madison, Wisconsin. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies spanning four continents. It won a 2021 Merit Award from Arts for All Wisconsin, and one of her poems was choreographed and performed by a local dance troupe. Additionally, she had an ekphrastic creative nonfiction piece featured in the Chazen Museum of Art’s Companion Species exhibit. Among other venues, her recent and forthcoming poetry publications include Deep South Magazine, Defunkt Magazine, Fauxmoir, Feral, Fireflies’ Light, Great Lakes Review, La Raíz Magazine, Red Weather, sPARKLE & bLINK, SPLASH!, Star*Line, W.E.I.R.D. and Xinachtli Journal (Journal X).