—After Bill Evans
It is morning somewhere, you know,
The sun is lifting up and sends mist into the air
A glowing line on the horizon
Cars grumble to life and take kids to school
Take people to work
It is what it is.
Maybe there is a car crash a train stalled at a crossing
But probably not.
Just people going from one place to another.
Like every morning.
Like any morning.
It is afternoon somewhere, you know
People eating lunch
Sitting around, taking a walk,
And why not, its lunch time.
Most of the time this is what it is
Not a big dramatic thing
Someone has a salad, someone has a hamburger.
People at a café talk, someone laughs.
Afternoon is as exciting as a bologna sandwich.
Go back to work, do some stuff.
Like every afternoon,
Like every other afternoon.
It is evening somewhere, you know,
People back in their houses.
Kids sit at the table staring down their peas
Later will complain about going to bed.
Something interesting on TV,
Maybe a read a book,
Dinner dishes in the sink.
The sun is gone and street lights are lit
The day is winding down
Like it does every day
Like any day.
The progress of one into the next
Days weeks years.
Kids grow up, move away,
Have breakfast go to work.
Get old and retire.
Take a walk.
Maybe someone dies,
The sun goes down and it will climb up again in a few hours
This happens that happens
Bad things happen
Something interesting is on TV.
Put on slippers warm your feet
Mostly it is the same, these moments, hours, days,
One flowing into the next without pause
A privilege really,
This exquisite monotony,
When you consider the alternative.