laurajean zaino

 snow day

that first opening of the curtain

gasping smile

clean fluffy beautiful

blue light of morning

long socks     snow pants

   noisy coat   white scarf

           itchy  hat     waterproof mittens

        snow boots

bright gray expanse overhead

                     stuck-out tongue

      open mouth to the sky

snow angels          shoveling

sledding         digging         building

                  bootprints          sled tracks          lines drawn with stick

get hot




sit down crunch back

draw icy air through nostrils

eyeful of altered atmosphere

trudge inside

        peel off     snow boots

half wet half frozen waterproof mittens

               still itchy hat     [scarf outside in snow pile]

giant coat snow pants

long wet socks

      clusters of snow-ice dampen the floor

sweatpants hot chocolate

condensation on the window

sunset glow