Ian Woollen

A Fedora Day

Mr. Conner wears many hats

sombreros berets

baseball caps borsalinos

except with Mr. Connor

his ‘many hats’ thing is not about

a variety of duties or skills

Mr. Connor is a fairly simple person

a retired CPA, a widower

he owns a closet full of chapeaux

some inherited from his grandfather

(a fan of the nearby casinos)

some from his soybean farmer dad

some from his baseball coach son

the sombreros date to his wife’s

annual cruise ship tours in Mexico

frankly, it is anybody’s guess

why or how, by what method

Mr. Connor chooses which one

to wear on any given morning

it does not seem to correlate

with the weather

middle of winter, he’ll appear

for his noon constitutional

in a straw boater

what the hell, go for it, old man

we neighbors keep a close eye

texting alerts to each other

“It’s a fedora day!”