Tim Gaze

Tim Gaze began his writing career writing quirky short stories and experimental poetry, sometimes using computer programs to manipulate words. More recently, he began exploring illegible writing and non-alphabetical symbols. He founded Asemic magazine in 1999, which has grown from a folded pamphlet to a 100 page book. Attempting to understand the illegible “asemic” domain, he has written some short essays, some of them published in English or in translation. Even more recently, he is creating abstract narratives using inkblot shapes. Asemic writing, visual poetry or abstract comics are the best descriptions for some of his creations. His longer works include Glyphs of Uncertain Meaning (Post-Asemic Press) and noology (Arrum Press). He is also active in sound poetry, with the album Shapes and a weekly internet radio show, Sound Poetry etc. Tim lives on the Peramangk people's traditional land, in the Adelaide Hills of Australia.